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by K Marie Alto Updated
12 min read 1 Comment
Cats are amazing pets for a lot of different reasons. They're independent, they're quiet (well some of them are), and they're often content to lounge about in a comfortable sunbeam rather than cause any trouble for the neighbors.
One fascinating fact about cats is that they have developed a reputation as solitary creatures. On the one hand, many large wildcats – from which domestic housecats are descended – are depicted as solitary animals. On the other hand, the "pride of lions" is also a common image. What's going on?
The truth is, cats can be perfectly happy when they're solitary and allowed free control over their domain, but they can also be social animals, bonding closely with their pet parents, human siblings, and/or with other cats.
So, do cats like other cats? The answer is: it depends.
Anyone with multiple cats can attest to their different purrsonalities. Some many be bonded and inseparable while others can’t even be in the same room without a hiss and a swat.
Like us humans, each cat has their own individual likes and dislikes and it’s important to identify those traits in order to ensure they are happy and safe in their environment.
Let's talk about some of the factors that can affect inter-purrr-sonal relationships in a multi-cat household environment and some steps you can take to ensure everyone gets along!
If you are looking for more cat behavior guides, make sure not to miss the read more section at the bottom or search our blog by topic. Spoiler alert, our blog is packed with resources.
Much like children and many of us adults, cats like to have their own space, their own resources, and their own territory.
If you have more than one cat, making them share resources can lead to tussles even between cats of the same family group.
What does each cat need to have for itself?
A common piece of advice – especially with kittens - is to adopt two instead of one, but that usually applies primarily to getting two littermates rather than just one cat. Picking up two random strays from the ASPCA may be harder to get them to bond with each other.
A single kitten is more likely to wreak havoc on your house as they look for ways to entertain themselves. While this is still possible with two kittens, having a playmate tends to reduce the need for outside stimulation.
"Studies have shown families who adopt two kittens from the same litter are far more likely to keep those cats in their home long-term than families adopting a single kitten." – VCA Hospitals.
Cats are creatures of habit and routine, so they will initially be skeptical of any disruption, including introducing a new cat. However, whether or not your cat can tolerate another feline depends on a lot of different factors.
Is your cat fixed? Spayed or neutered cats have lower levels of hormones, particularly the hormones that make them more territorial. A fixed cat is more likely to tolerate another (fixed) cat than an intact cat.
Is your cat young or old? Younger cats are much more likely to be accepting of a new cat, especially if that other cat is also young. An older cat that spends most of the day sleeping likely won’t appreciate a kitten binging off the walls and constantly trying to play.
Are the cats related? Cats are much more accepting of one another when they're from the same family lines.
Generally, it's best to adopt a second cat if that second cat is a littermate or a niece/nephew, rather than a cat from a completely different line. A great alternative is to talk to a rescue that keeps multiple adults in the same foster home. They will already to be acclimated to one another.
Is your kitty strongly bonded to you? If your fur baby is a clingy or needy cat and can't seem to go more than an hour without visiting you for some attention, they may be resentful of another cat taking up your attention and affection.
Likewise, if your cat has separation or situational anxiety, adopting another cat may not help (though, if they bond, it might help a lot.)
One of the best tests, though, is how your cat reacts to other cats in the neighborhood. If strays or neighborhood outdoor cats come too close, does your cat look upon them with curiosity, or do they puff up and hiss or yowl?
Do they tussle if your cat is also an outdoor cat? The more defensive and aggressive your cat is, the less likely they are to tolerate adopting a new cat.
While it's pretty obvious if your cats hiss and swipe at each other whenever they pass by or if they get into yowling and claws-out fights, there are other signs of cats that don't get along that might be harder to recognize.
The truth is cats that don't get along and are forced to be in the same area might not be obviously antagonistic.
These signs include:
Full-on fighting, with yowling, hissing, and swiping at each other, is often quite rare. This is because active conflict and injury can be devastating in the wild, so cats tend to be more conflict-avoidant.
If you have one kitty attacking another, it’s important to keep them separated until a solution can be reached.
Keep in mind, as well, that the smaller your dwelling (and the greater the density of housing in the area), the more likely your cats are to feel cramped and stressed.
Two bonded, loving cats can live just fine in a small apartment, but two cats that are in occasional conflict will need more space to themselves.
The housing density is important primarily because of sounds and smells that we can't detect (but cats can), can travel more than you might think.
An apartment complex with many cat owners can lead to a surprisingly stressful environment in ways we normally wouldn't notice. For a territorial cat, another in the window across from yours could be a problem.
Adopting a new kitty is an exciting time, and you might be tempted to rush home with your new family member and put everyone together immediately.
Perhaps you know your fur babies love other animals, but this may not be true for your new kitty. They are entering a new space with new smells and it can be a stressful time until they adjust.
So, for the best chance of success, if you do introduce a second cat into your household, you'll want to take things slowly.
If all goes well, this process might take a few weeks to fully introduce a new cat. If your existing cat is standoffish or used to being solitary, it may take even longer.
Throughout this, you'll need a lot of care and supervision, so this is very much not something to attempt if you need to leave your cats home alone for hours at a time.
Check out this cute 3.5 min video on cosmos and Sasha. It took them 30 days to get acclimated to each other.
Not all cats are going to get along, even with patience and time. Have a back-up plan in case this happens. Before you bring a new kitty home, ask the rescue about their personality.
Do they get to roam with other cats? How do they respond? Did they come from a home with no other pets? The answers can all be indicators on the likelihood of success in your home.
If you have an adult cat that is used to being alone and you know they might not adjust well to another cat, a great alternative is called foster-to- adopt. Many rescues offer this option.
Foster-to-adopt is a great way to find out if one cat is a good fit for your family prior to committing to adoption.
When you foster-to-adopt, you can take the new kitty home for a short, pre-determined period of time and see if s/he gets along with your current kitty. If it’s not a good fit the rescue will take the kitty back with no issue.
Some people say it's cruel to keep only a single cat, especially if you work all day and spend a lot of time away from home.
Cats do need a lot of enrichment, and many pet parents can provide that.
If you find your kitty is begging for more attention than you can give, a second cat may be able to ease the social burden, if and only if they get along and bond.
Two cats is usually a good place to start. If you can adopt them at the same time, either as a bonded pair or as littermates, you'll be in a good place.
The two times I’ve adopted, I’ve done so in pairs.
The first were my boys - from different litters but being fostered together. The second time I adopted my girls, same situation – different litters, same rescue. I wouldn’t change a thing about these decisions.
I know some of us want to take every cat home with us, but in addition to considering how any current fur babies might respond, there are some additional things to consider.
Remember, each cat is unique and will respond differently to having a new kitty in their house.
I know stories of older cats immediately taking to their new kitten sibling, and unfortunately far too many single cat homes hating their new roommate. If you decide to bring a new kitty home, remember to take it slow and assess along the way the quality of life each kitty has in their home.
How have you handled a multi-cat household? Have you adopted bonded pairs or introduced a new cat to an older feline? Tell me all about it in the comments! Bonus points if you have adorable pictures of your fuzzy friends. I can't wait to hear your stories!
One more thing, if you are feeling like getting a little special something for your fur baby that is unique, made right here in the USA, 100% pup and cat safe, USDA certified organic and brought to you by a US company, check out Toe Beans online pet supplies store!
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K. Marie is an animal lover, wife, kitty mom, dog auntie, writer, and co-founder of Toe Beans, a proud American family-owned online boutique pet supplies store focused on the improvement of the life of furry family members via pet parent education, better products, and advocacy. She has over 20 years of experience as a pet momma. She loves sharing her personal journey and experience as a pet parent via her blog and Facebook page where she currently has more than 50K followers (@furrytoebeans) and counting :-). Read more
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